Dutch Birding ยท A huge fire in one of the most valuable national parks in Europe
Wilma van Holten
25 april 2020 14:55
Heb hier al contact over gehad met vrienden uit Polen. Zeer bekend gebied voor mij (15x op vakantie geweest). Ik word hier niet vrolijk van............
Vincent van der Spek
27 april 2020 11:38
This is really depressing. Many of us visited the area in the past. I've been there multiple times in the 1990s and I was actually trying to get the rest of the family interested for a trip next year.
I wil donate. The account info is now on a jpeg only, perhaps it's easier to add it to the text so people can copy it to their bank account apps:
Bierbza National Park special account
Donation Fire 2020
Iban: PL 31 1130 1059 0017 3397 2620 0016
Lukasz Lawicki
27 april 2020 19:53
Thanks Vincent! On Sunday, after a nearly a week, the firefighting operation in the Biebrza National Park was finished. Currently, the park's rangers monitor the area that was burned. In total, about 6,000 ha have been digested by the fire... It remains to hope that nature will be reborn in this area! The fire was caused by locals burning grass. April was characterized by the largest drought in Poland for about 100 years, with almost lack of a rain, which also contributed to the rapid spread of the fire in the Biebrza marshes.
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