Dutch Birding

Fotogalerij · Noordse Pijlstormvogel · 12-09-2021 · Off the southeast coast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) · Rubén Barone

Michel de Lange

Michel de Lange
 ·  1 januari 2022  16:23, gewijzigd 1 januari 2022  17:07

Hi Ruben,

Which dates and what numbers? Migration was very slow this year in Porto Moniz (Madeira) with best days for Great Shearwater 1033 (11-9), Sooty 14 (11-9), Manx Shearwater 1717 (11-9), Arctic Tern 670 (5-9). Regrettably I had to leave in the early morning of the twelfth when migration started much better than on the eleventh. Gr. M. 

Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  1 januari 2022  22:15

Hi again.

I need to check this with my field notebooks, but I remember good numbers especially of Manx Shearwaters, with groups of up to 5-6 birds passing frequently and seen from a boat (on Gran Canaria the birds were migrating at great distances from land, so the only form to see them was by boat). And on Tenerife, in the summer of 2020 from the Northwest coast, we could see about 400 Great Shearwaters in five hours of continued observation.

Best regards. 

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