Dutch Birding

Fotogalerij · Kaneelpieper · 02-01-2022 · Algeria · Boulaouad Belkacem Aimene

Boulaouad Belkacem Aimene

Boulaouad Belkacem Aimene
 ·  2 January 2022  22:02

for identification

african pipit or tawny pipit??

Frank Neijts

Frank Neijts
 ·  3 January 2022  23:56, gewijzigd 4 January 2022  00:05

The obvious greyish brown ground color of the breast here seems very unusual for a Tawny in any plumage. According a number of pictures of African Pipit this character fits this species much better, see for instance here..

Boulaouad Belkacem Aimene

Boulaouad Belkacem Aimene
 ·  5 January 2022  17:23

If I understand well, this is an african Pipit, right?

Frank Neijts

Frank Neijts
 ·  5 January 2022  21:09

It looks like it ..

Pieter Vantieghem

Pieter Vantieghem
 ·  5 January 2022  21:49

@Frank: then this would be a first for the WP (check range of species on fe e-bird), are you sure the pic is good enough to reach that conclusion?

Jan Hein van Steenis

Jan Hein van Steenis
 ·  5 January 2022  23:21

African pipits... scary stuff, especially since no one likes to depict them!

Although "Birds of Western Africa" mentions African Pipit as a local breeder (of unknown race) closer to Algeria than the ebird records show, I think the first thing to do would be categorically exclude Tawny Pipit.

(Note that the race of Long-billed Pipit which occurs in northern Niger has a buffy belly. Richard's Pipit is another possibility but that has a more expressive face pattern).

The colours in the picture look a bit "orange" – when I try to think of more natural colours a young Tawny Pipit looks more likely. The head pattern also reminds me more of that species than of the larger pipits.

Frank Neijts

Frank Neijts
 ·  5 January 2022  23:53, gewijzigd 6 January 2022  00:00

@Pieter, Jan-Hein: Based on my personal experience with a couple of hundred Tawny Pipits (of which 80 - 90% young birds in late summer and autumn) in Noord-Brabant and Limburg (NL) I can say that I never saw a bird with such an obvious contrast between the ground colour of breast and belly like this Algerian bird. Although I never saw African Pipit it struck me immediately that on quite a few photo's of this species this contrast was clearly visible. Furthermore it looks to me that the dark loral spot in Tawny is more obvious and sometimes even breaks the orbital ring..

Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  6 January 2022  05:24, gewijzigd 6 January 2022  05:25

I would say that more photo’s are needed to exclude Tawny, are there more pictures?

Jan Hein van Steenis

Jan Hein van Steenis
 ·  19 January 2022  23:43, gewijzigd 20 January 2022  12:17

A much easier bird to identify from Algeria, but just outside the WP: Cut-throat. Not so unexpected because it breeds nearby in Mali.

On the other hand, the less spectacular Village Indigobird is new for the WP.

Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  7 October 2023  09:14

Grotere piepers op het Arabisch Schiereiland waren (zeker wanneer stil) ook best lastig. 

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