Dutch Birding

Fotogalerij · Wenkbrauwalbatros · 23-04-2022 · Bempton cliffs, UK · Max Dettori

Eduard Sangster

Eduard Sangster
 ·  26 april 2022  16:42, gewijzigd 26 april 2022  16:46


In 'review of the week 19-24 April' on facebook group 'rare birds of Britain & Ireland' I read: "The Black-browed Albatross was back at Bempton on a near-daily basis after its hiatus over the Easter weekend".

De mannen die met Pasen gingen hebben dus wel erg veel pech gehad. Met de Bandijsvogel hadden ze dan weer geluk: "Access to the Belted Kingfisher 'viewing field' has now been withdrawn as the farmer has put his cattle in there; by coincidence, the kingfisher wasn't seen beyond 19th, with a five-hour search on 20th proving fruitless".

Max Dettori

Max Dettori
 ·  26 april 2022  17:55

I have been very lucky because in 2 days spent there I have seen it only for about 45 minutes on 23rd, afterwards it was gone and it did not come back at least till 24th noon. It is not granted to see it anyway ;-)

Diedert Koppenol

Diedert Koppenol
 ·  26 april 2022  18:23

@Eduard: 'near-daily' is quite the exaggeration but probably all the Britons have already seen it and keep a very bad eye on its presence...

@Max, totally not jealous... Very nice. Didn't think about the train, only looked at boats and planes. Hopefully it'll linger a while more.

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