Fotogalerij · Zwartbuikwaterspreeuw · 29-01-2023 · AN 207270, 213924 · Maarten Schurmans

Daan Drukker
30 January 2023 12:25
Is er al iets bekend over de ringen van dit dier?
Pieter Vantieghem
30 January 2023 13:15
Via Sven Heise op de facebookgroep van cr-birding:
"Hello, this is a Dipper from our Projekt. This Dipper was ringed on 19.12.2021 as a first year lady at the River Schwentine in Schleswig-Holstein/Germany. The ringed Scheme we called "OPnXG"."
Koen van Zonhoven
22 February 2023 09:03
Ik kreeg dit antwoord van Björn Gessler:
"Dear Koen,
how great you saw the dipper. Nice pictures! It has been ringed by me
and my colleague Linus Beier on the 19th of december 2021 in
Schwentinental near Kiel (Germany) (54.2909166,10.2376940). There is a
traditional winter-habitat for dippers from south Norway. The specimen
you observed was defined as a young female, which hatched in 2021. Its
weight was measured with 61,9 g, the wing-length 94 mm, the partial
feather-length 67 mm.
Best regards, have a good time!
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