Dutch Birding

Dutch Birding jaargang 40 nummer 6, 2018

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Ross's Gull  路  Rhodostethia rosea
Filip de Ruwe

Artikelen / papers

357 - 380 Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2017
Gerjon Gelling, Vincent van der Spek & CDNA
381 - 388 Humes Bladkoningen in Nederland
Vincent van der Spek & CDNA
389 - 400 Pallas鈥檚 Reed Bunting at Linosa, Italy, in October 2017 with remarks on identification pitfalls of juvenile plumage
Andrea Corso, Ottavio Janni, Michele Vigan貌, Raimondo Finati & MISC
400 - 405 Potential origin of White-crowned Wheatear in Denmark and Germany in 2010
Marc I F枚rschler, Christian C Voigt & Franz Bairlein


406 Recente CDNA-besluiten


406 Corrigenda

WP reports

407 - 423 October to mid-November 2018
艁ukasz 艁awicki & Arnoud B van den Berg

Recente meldingen / recent reports

424 - 436 September-oktober 2018
Roy Slaterus, Hans Groot & Vincent van der Spek