Dutch Birding

Dutch Birding jaargang 2 nummer 4, 1980

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Artikelen / papers

121 Judging the size of birds
Peter J. Grant
122 - 124 Waarneming van Wenkbrauwalbtros in Nederland in october 1971 [Observation of Black-bowed Albatross in Netherlands in October 1971]
Rienk Slings
125 Brandgans x Roodhalsgans in Friesland in winter van 1980/81
J. Jukema - U. Rijpema
126 Amerikaanse Zwarte Zee毛end op Oostvoornse Meer in november 1977 [American Common Scoter on Oostvoornse Meer in November 1977]
Kees Moeiliker - Michiel M. Hendriks
127 Bill Oddie's little black bird book
128 Review of Zuidelijk Flevoland record of Pallas's Fish Eagle
Edward J. van IJzendoorn
128 Birds of East Africa
Jan Mulder
129 Steenarend bij Lelystad in november 1980 [Golden Eagle near Lelystad in November 1980]
Jacques van Esbroeck - Hans Gartner
130 Raadselvogel 5 : Middelste Jager [Mystery bird 5 : Pomarine Skua]
Gerard J. Oreel
131 - 139 Over herkenning van Geelpootmeeuw en voorkomen in Nederland [On identification of Yellow-legged Gul1 and occurrence in Netherlands]
Paul de Heer
140 On field identification of White-capped Noddy
Gerard J. Oreel
141 Rare and interesting birds in Western Palearctic
Han Blankert - Gerard H. Steinhaus
142 - 143 Sneeuwuil in Friesland in winter van 1980/8l [Snowy Owl in Friesland in winter of 1980/81]
Gerard H. Steinhaus
144 - 146 Petsjora Pieper ten onrechte op De Nederlandse Lijst [Pechora Pipil wrongly on The Dutch List]
Arend Wassink
147 Comment on 'Additional field characters of Water Pipit'
Paul de Heer
148 - 150 Field identification of Parrot Crossbill
Andreas Pape M酶ller
148 - 150 Occurrence of Parrot Crosshill in Netherlands
Han Blankert
152 - 155 Recent Reports
Han Blankert - Edward J. van IJzendoorn - Gerard H. Steinhaus
156 British Birds
British Birds limited