Dutch Birding

Onbekende soort

Unknown species

Datum 7 oktober 2017
Locatie Málaga, Spain
Fotograaf José Campos José Campos
Bekeken 4229 ×


José Campos
 ·  16 oktober 2017  17:43

Moroccan Wagtail.

José Campos
 ·  16 oktober 2017  17:49


Leo JR Boon
 ·  16 oktober 2017  20:25

Just a one day bird? Next week i will be in Malaga!

José Campos
 ·  16 oktober 2017  22:36

I could not visit the place again, I guess local birders tried later to find the bird but no success. Two weeks ago we had a pectoral sandpiper at the same place, so who knows what is the next vagrant.

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