Dutch Birding

Grote Vale Spotvogel

Hippolais languida  ·  Upcher's Warbler

Datum 19 May 2018
Locatie Vedi kloof, Armenië
Fotograaf Ronald Messemaker Ronald Messemaker
Bekeken 4609 ×


Max Berlijn
 ·  19 October 2019  17:55

Groot ding zo, lijkt wel een Griekse

David Uit de Weerd
 ·  19 October 2019  20:48

Geen verwarring zaaien, Max. Een duidelijke GVS. 😉

Geir Mobakken
 ·  7 March 2024  17:27

Max: Note outer greater-coverts without pale edgings, long middle tertial and clear white tip to outer tail-feathers.

Jan van der Laan
 ·  7 March 2024  17:43

Geir, what do you think of this bird?

Geir Mobakken
 ·  7 March 2024  18:39

Lanceolated Warbler. I think Lanceolated can be claimed on only two features, none of them being streaked/non-streaked breast. First a sharp distinction between dark centre and pale edge on the tertials, most pronounced on the middle tertial and especially on the inner vane. Second and most important that the markings on the undertail-coverts end and start with a point. This bird seems to fit on this last character.

Jan van der Laan
 ·  7 March 2024  20:04

I couldn't agree more, Geir. Thanks!

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