Dutch Birding


Pterodroma hasitata  ·  Black-capped Petrel

Datum 6 February 2020
Locatie Ilheu Raso, Kaapverdië
Fotograaf Peter Stronach Peter Stronach
Bekeken 4802 ×


Diedert Koppenol
 ·  12 February 2020  10:14

What a record, Peter. Congrats on this nice WP-tick!

Rubén Barone
 ·  12 February 2020  14:06


My most sincere congratulations for this highly interesting record and for the nice photo. I haven't seen this species in my two pelagic trips to Raso (Nov. 2010 and March 2018), but we could watch very well several Fea's Petrels Pterodroma feae in both. 

Max Berlijn
 ·  13 February 2020  11:15

Beste pic of a WP sighting of this species!

Peter Stronach
 ·  20 February 2020  18:33

Thanks Diedert, Rubén and Max! We tried chumming on the way to Raso and it was a disaster hardly anything, so I had kind of given up seeing anything good when we started heading back! :-)

Rubén Barone
 ·  23 February 2020  12:50

Hi again.

In my experience, the pelagic trip from Tarrafal (S. Nicolau) to Raso is one of the best in the Macaronesian archipelagos, not only for seabirds, but also for whales and dolphins. Another good trip is from Funchal (Madeira) to the Desertas Islands...

Best regards. 

Rinse van der Vliet
 ·  8 August 2024  16:07

Gisteren een Black-capped Petrel langs Estaca de Bares (vorig jaar ook al).

Rinse van der Vliet
 ·  15 August 2024  13:47

Gisteravond weer 1 (of dezelfde) zes minuten lang gezien (incl bewijspixels) door Dani Lopez Velasco en 20 anderen.

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