Dutch Birding


Sula sula  ·  Red-footed Booby

Datum 12 February 2020
Locatie Ilheu Raso, Kaapverdië
Fotograaf Peter Stronach Peter Stronach
Bekeken 3838 ×


Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  12 February 2020  14:09

Hi again.

Congratulations also for this record and photo! I know there are several sightings of this booby for Raso islet, but I haven't seen it during my two trips there...

Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  10 February 2023  22:52

Wederom present daar als broedvogel.

Diedert Koppenol

Diedert Koppenol
 ·  11 February 2023  00:17

If only de Fregatvogels nog eens terugkomen...

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