Dutch Birding


Cursorius cursor  ·  Cream-colored Courser

Datum 24 October 2021
Locatie Noordhollands Duinreservaat
Fotograaf Oscar Balm Oscar Balm
Bekeken 4138 ×


Rubén Barone
 ·  24 October 2021  22:09


Nice photo and interesting record. Are there many observations of the species in Holland?

Best regards. 

Diedert Koppenol
 ·  24 October 2021  22:11

This would be the fifth record to date, with the last one dating from 1986.

Rubén Barone
 ·  24 October 2021  22:58

Thanks, Diedert.

It's curious to see that in some of the Canary Islands (e.g. Tenerife and Gran Canaria) the arrival of small flocks or isolated birds occurs mostly in May-June, but we don't know if such birds come from other islands of the archipelago (Fuerteventura or Lanzarote) or from Northwest Africa (Morocco and Western Sahara, or even Mauritania).

Best regards. 

Folkert Jan Hoogstra
 ·  24 October 2021  23:20

Uiteraard weer een filmpje. Deze onbewerkt in 4k. Hier is de vogel te zien die op de grond loopt te trappelen. Weet iemand wat dit voor gedrag is? 

Leo Stegeman
 ·  25 October 2021  07:56

De vogel van Camperduin maakte destijds  savonds een kuiltje waar hij in ging slapen.

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