Dutch Birding


Jynx torquilla  ·  Eurasian Wryneck

Draaihals  ·  Jynx torquilla  ·  17-04-2023  ·  Shahrzad Fattahi

Datum 17 april 2023
Locatie Tehran / Iran
Fotograaf Shahrzad Fattahi Shahrzad Fattahi
Bekeken 2697 ×


Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  27 april 2023  13:12


Very nice photo, congratulations.

In the Canary Islands, there was a recent small "influx" of the species in spring migration. It's a rare and scarce migrant in our archipelago...

Best regards. 

Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  27 april 2023  19:49, gewijzigd 27 april 2023  19:52

In Limburg de laatste weken ook veel meer waarnemingen dan normaal. Is het een influx of zoeken er gewoon meer mensen op meer plekken?

Shahrzad Fattahi

Shahrzad Fattahi
 ·  27 mei 2023  06:22

In the big city of Tehran, it was about two years that we did not have a report of the sighting of this species, and this year we had reports of the sighting of this species in other cities at the same time.

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