Dutch Birding


Pterocles coronatus  ·  Crowned Sandgrouse

Kroonzandhoen  ·  Pterocles coronatus  ·  20-02-2023  ·  Shahrzad Fattahi

Datum 20 February 2023
Locatie Varamin / Iran
Fotograaf Shahrzad Fattahi Shahrzad Fattahi
Bekeken 2011 ×


Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  7 June 2023  21:27


Nice photo.

You said that in Iran you have seven species of Sandgrouse. Is Pallas's Sandgrouse Syrrhaptes paradoxus one of them?

Best regards from the Canaries. 

Shahrzad Fattahi

Shahrzad Fattahi
 ·  11 June 2023  16:57

Hi Ruben, 

Thank you so much. 

Yes, One of 7 Sandgrouse's of Iran is Pallas's Sandgrouse. This species is one of the sandgrouse that have been seen very rarely around Gomishan in Golestan province, which is the northeast of Iran.

Best wishes

Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  11 June 2023  21:37

Hi again.

Many thanks for your response. I imagined that such Sandgrouse is one of the species living in Iran. By the way, I have downloaded (free of charge) this interesting checklist on the birds of your country:

Khaleghizadeh A., Roselaar K., Scott D.A., Tohidifar M., Mlíkovský J., Blair M. & Kvartalnov P. 2017. Birds of Iran: Annotated Checklist of the Species and Subspecies. Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, 350 pp.

Best regards. 

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