Dutch Birding


Fringilla maderensis  ·  Madeiran Chaffinch

Madeiravink  ·  Fringilla maderensis  ·  30-07-2023  ·  Eduard Opperman

Datum 30 July 2023
Locatie Madeira
Fotograaf Eduard Opperman Eduard Opperman
Bekeken 1340 ×


Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  2 August 2023  21:51

Hi again.

Is there any known record of this species for Porto Santo Island? In my four visits to it, I haven't seen Madeiran Chaffinchs there, but Madeiran Firecrest and European Robin have bred on this small island, in the small afforested areas with Cupressus, Pinus, and other trees...

Best regards. 

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