Dutch Birding


Apus unicolor  ·  Plain Swift

Madeiragierzwaluw  ·  Apus unicolor  ·  28-07-2023  ·  Eduard Opperman

Datum 28 July 2023
Locatie Madeira
Fotograaf Eduard Opperman Eduard Opperman
Bekeken 3085 ×


Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  13 August 2023  19:06, gewijzigd 13 August 2023  23:53

Leuke plaat, vorig jaar bezocht met aanwijzingen van Magnus Robb en hopelijk volgende week de kolonie in Porto proberen.

Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  13 August 2023  22:34


Very nice image. It's not easy to obtain good photos of this species in flight...

The bird seems to be immature.

Best regards from the Canaries. 

Gertjan van der Kooij

Gertjan van der Kooij
 ·  14 August 2023  21:29

Geweldige foto,eduard

Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  16 August 2023  13:31

Vanmorgen 5 op de geijkte plek in Porto leuk soms laag foeragerend boven de boomtoppen.

Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  16 August 2023  16:14

Hi again.

More about the Plain Swift in continental Portugal:


(See the last note in the pdf file of the ANUÁRIO ORNITOLÓGICO).

Best regards. 

Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  16 August 2023  16:52, gewijzigd 16 August 2023  16:56

Nice, my Portugese is none existing 😂 but ID is quite a thing with this species as mentioned in the arcticle. Common (saw 2 yesterday still at a nest) and Pallid (common) are also here. Dark throat makes it easy from Pallid (but I see still mistakes on E-bird). Size (noticably smaller) and call (different, but hart to discribe) makes it doable from Common in my opinion.

Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  16 August 2023  21:35

Hi again.

The clearly smaller size compared with Common and Pallid Swifts, voice, and throat not so whitish as in those species are the best features to identify the Plain Swift (apart from much darker coloration in comparison with Pallid). The best occasions to see well such differences are, naturally, when you have at the same time Plain, Common, and Pallid Swifts, e.g. during the spring or early summer. Common Swift breeds in some islands of the Canaries, but its distribution is not well known, while colonies of Pallid Swift are mostly located in coastal places and the species is normally scarce and local. 

Best regards. 

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