Dutch Birding


Mycerobas carnipes  ·  White-winged Grosbeak

Spiegeldikbek  ·  Mycerobas carnipes  ·  28-12-2023  ·  Shahrzad Fattahi

Datum 28 December 2023
Locatie Iran
Fotograaf Shahrzad Fattahi Shahrzad Fattahi
Bekeken 2976 ×


Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  6 January 2024  19:30, gewijzigd 6 January 2024  19:43

Very nice, the only country, I guess, in the real WP where you can see this species. I really hope the chances of visiting your beautiful country will be influenced positively this year.

Shahrzad Fattahi

Shahrzad Fattahi
 ·  7 January 2024  06:44

Thank you,

I also hope that you will soon be able to travel to Iran and see beautiful birds like this species, although cultural tourists travel to Iran these days.

Bert de Bruin

Bert de Bruin
 ·  7 January 2024  10:13

Max, real WP? Why wouldn't it be possible to visit Iran, by the way?

Wouter Puyk

Wouter Puyk
 ·  7 January 2024  11:32

The travel advice from the Dutch government to Iran is red. 
Unfortunately in Dutch, in summary: don't visit Iran.

Johan van 't Bosch

Johan van 't Bosch
 ·  7 January 2024  11:38, gewijzigd 7 January 2024  11:39

It is of course possible to travel to Iran,but the travel advice of the Dutch Department of Foreign Affairs is still red.

Edit: Wat Wouter zegt dus

Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  7 January 2024  12:01, gewijzigd 7 January 2024  12:28

@Bert, best whishes, and yes that is how I  (and they)  think about it. This species is not difficult east of Iran in the East  Palearctic.  @Shahrzad Fattahi in Holland they tell us the situation for travelling is unsafe in Iran and one of the main risks should be that you are arrested and used for ransom to exchange demands from the west. I do not know if this an over exaggeration from the real situation but that is why we can not travel to Iran nowedays 😩

Bert de Bruin

Bert de Bruin
 ·  7 January 2024  12:33, gewijzigd 7 January 2024  16:45

How about these cultural tourists? Aren't they getting arrested and used for 'exchange purposes'? Is it really that bad? it has always been my dream to visit Iran after I quit working, but I don't know if that's going to happen when idiots like Geert Wilders and Donald Trump are getting (re-elected). Poor people of Iran (and the US and the Netherlands...)

Max, agree greater WP=real WP

Jan Verboom

Jan Verboom
 ·  7 January 2024  15:43

Of course everyone has their own responsibily, but the Dutch government does not give her travel advices without good reason; and I (as civil servant) would strongly advice to follow these travel advices.

Peter Collaerts

Peter Collaerts
 ·  7 January 2024  15:44

Dit overkwam een Belg in Iran. Willekeurige arrestaties met als doel Iraanse gevangenen in het buitenland vrij te krijgen komen regelmatig voor. Ik zou toch 2 keer nadenken om hier te gaan rondreizen.

Shahrzad Fattahi

Shahrzad Fattahi
 ·  8 January 2024  11:14

Dea All,

Ohhh, it has been rumored that traveling to Iran is not in the right conditions, and most countries believed this... but in fact, it is not like that at all.

Every day we have many tourists who travel to the beauties cities of Iran such as Yazd, Isfahan, Shiraz, Kashan, etc… no group arrests them J and there is no problem... this damn propaganda has changed all mentalities and made people hesitant to travel to Iran.

I myself am a birding tour guide from 2012, I am in contact with agencies and my colleagues, if there is a problem, we ourselves do not offer any travel.

Of course, these advertisements and internal issues have caused trust to decrease. Although traveling to Iran may not be easy because of economic inflation….

But in general, you will always face the hospitality and warm welcome of Iranian people.

Best Regards

Shahrzad Fattahi

Bert de Bruin

Bert de Bruin
 ·  8 January 2024  12:27, gewijzigd 8 January 2024  12:28

Shahrzad, good to read. May be you could guide me one day:-D

Max Berlijn

Max Berlijn
 ·  8 January 2024  14:22, gewijzigd 8 January 2024  14:23

and me (maybe together?).  For me the main "needed" endemics are Caspian Tit, Black-headed Penduline Tit, Mesopotamian Crow, Pleskes Groundjay, Sind Woodpecker an maybe Afgan (Moab) Scrub Sparrow.

Tiemen De Smedt

Tiemen De Smedt
 ·  8 January 2024  18:03

"One day" lijkt me inderdaad wel nodig. Nu het verhaal van "stuxnet-virus" in de krant staat.

David Uit de Weerd

David Uit de Weerd
 ·  8 January 2024  20:44, gewijzigd 8 January 2024  20:45

'NU FF NIET!!' 😉 Great bird/picture by the way. 👌

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