Dutch Birding


Erithacus marionae  ·  Gran Canaria Robin

Gran-Canariaroodborst  ·  Erithacus marionae  ·  25-02-2024  ·  Leo JR Boon

Datum 25 February 2024
Locatie Jardin Botanico Viera y Clavijo, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
Fotograaf Leo JR Boon Leo JR Boon
Bekeken 1338 ×


Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  2 March 2024  22:34


Very nice photo. The species is relatively common in the north of Gran Canaria, while in the southwest and west of the island is not so common, but also present. Some years ago, we confirmed that migrant birds of the sister species Erithacus rubecula (European Robin) can reach occasionally the island. 

Best regards. 

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