Dutch Birding


Sula sula  ·  Red-footed Booby

Roodpootgent  ·  Sula sula  ·  03-05-2024  ·  Eduard Sangster

Datum 3 May 2024
Locatie off Fogo, Kaapverdië
Fotograaf Eduard Sangster Eduard Sangster
Bekeken 1142 ×


Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  14 May 2024  11:57

Spectacular photo, Eduard.

Perhaps this is the first record of Sula sula for Fogo. As you know, the majority of the recent records are from Raso and Santiago (in the colonies of Brown Booby Sula leucogaster), where the species is quite regular.

Best regards. 

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