Dutch Birding

Amerikaanse Fregatvogel

Fregata magnificens  ·  Magnificent Frigatebird

Datum 9 February 2015
Locatie Ilhéu Curral Velho, Boa Vista, Kaapverdië
Fotograaf Gerard van Aalst Gerard van Aalst
Bekeken 858 ×


Gerard van Aalst

Gerard van Aalst
 ·  4 October 2024  19:02

Niet de laatste dus. Zie net dat er ook nog foto's zijn van 2017.

Rubén Barone

Rubén Barone
 ·  4 October 2024  20:08

Hi again.

Interesting record and photos. In March 2018 we went twice to Curral Velho (Boavista) to see the species, but unfortunately, it was in vain...

Best regards from the Canaries. 

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