Dutch Birding

Amerikaanse Tafeleend

Aythya americana  ·  Redhead

Datum 28 January 2018
Locatie Azores, Terceira, Paul da Praia
Fotograaf Max Dettori Max Dettori
Bekeken 5465 ×


Max Dettori
 ·  31 January 2018  10:53

location is wrong, it was in Paul da Praia

Jan Hein van Steenis
 ·  31 January 2018  13:28

Too bad those Coots are not American (even the Pintail could be...)!

Max Dettori
 ·  31 January 2018  14:02

there was an American Coot as well but in Cabrito reservoir

Edwin Schuller
 ·  1 February 2018  20:29, gewijzigd 1 February 2018  20:31

And a Ring-necked Duck, or are they too common on the Azores to be mentioned?

Max Berlijn
 ·  1 February 2018  20:47

I count 3 of them..., I think quite normal there.

Max Dettori
 ·  2 February 2018  11:52

they were 5: 3 males and 2 females. I think it is the commonest Yank Duck with Am Wigeon

Jan Hein van Steenis
 ·  2 February 2018  12:22

Of course I had seen the Ring-necked Ducks. My point was that those Coots are the only non-American species on the picture.

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