Dutch Birding jaargang 26 nummer 6, 2004
CoverRed-fronted Serin 路 Serinus pusillusFelix Heintzenberg |
Artikelen / papers | |
359 - 383 |
Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2003
Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan & CDNA |
384 - 388 |
Blauwe Rotslijster bij Westkapelle in september 2003
Enno B Ebels & Arjen van Gilst Blue Rock Thrush at Westkapelle in September 2003A Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius occurred at Westkapelle, Zeeland, the Netherlands, on 20 September 2003. It was found at c 13:00 and could be observed until dark (c 20:00) by over 200 observers. It was aged as a first-winter based on plumage, yellow inner side of the bill and moult contrast in the greater coverts. It was presumably a male because of the obvious blue tinge on the plumage. This is the first record for the Netherlands. The species is a rare vagrant in central and western Europe, with records outside breeding areas in Belgium (1), Britain (5), Germany (2+), Finland (2), Slovakia (3) and Sweden (1) (cf table 1). Enno B Ebels, Joseph Haydnlaan 4, 3533 AE Utrecht, Nederland |
Masters of mystery | |
389 |
Solutions of fifth round 2004: Black Lark and Pectoral Sandpiper; Sixth round 2004
Rob S A van Bemmelen & Dick Groenendijk |
Corrigenda | |
390 |
Redactie Dutch Birding |
DBA nieuws | |
391 | Betaling van abonnementsgeld voor 2005; Payment of subscription for 2005; Druk bezochte Texelweek maar geen kraker |
WP reports | |
392 - 410 |
late September-early November 2004
Arnoud B van den Berg |
Recente meldingen / recent reports | |
411 - 423 |
Nederland: september-oktober 2004
Ruud M van Dongen, Klaas Haas & Peter W W de Rouw |
424 - 428 |
Belgi毛: september-oktober 2004
Gerald Driessens |
DB actueel | |
429 - 434 | Two new owl species; Zanggors bij Sint-Laureins [SONG SPARROW]; Goudlijsterinflux in Nederland en West-Europa [WHITE'S THRUSHES]; Steenortolaan bij Castricum [GREY-NECKED BUNTING]; Westelijke Blonde Tapuit in Eemshaven [WESTERN BLACK-EARED WHEATEAR]; Giervalk bij Holwerd [GYR FALCON]; Haakbekken in Groningen [PINE GROSBEAK] |